Complete Guide for Family & Spouse Sponsorship Visa in Australia

Australia is one of the most sought-after countries where people from around the world wish to live. As one of the developed nations, it is preferred by a large number of students and families as it provides a pristine environment along with a healthy & high-tech lifestyle to everyone living there, in addition to high-class education and top-notch healthcare facilities.
Australia – A House of Great Education
Australia also houses some of the best universities and colleges providing top-notch education to students from around the world. Most of these students take up jobs in Australia and become permanent citizens, thereby choosing a healthier and better lifestyle.
Fair Visa Policies
As a nation, Australia welcomes deserving individuals and families with open arms and maintains a clear-cut point-based policy for all applicants. Whether one has partner visa requirements in Australia or is looking for a regional sponsored migration scheme in Australia, one needs to qualify on different parameters set by the Australian Government’s Department of Home Affairs.
Eligibility Requirements for Family & Spouse Sponsorship
Well, there are different eligibility requirements for family and spouse sponsorship in Australia. In case one wishes to call his/her family in Australia, they’ll need to look for options available in family stream categories. It depends upon whom they need to call – partner, child, parent, or another family.
Family & Spouse Sponsorship
As far as sponsorship is concerned, all family stream visa applicants must be sponsored by a close family relative, a partner or a fiancé, depending on the visa they apply for. For this, the sponsor must be an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen. And must usually be at least 18 years of age. Furthermore, partner category applicants must be sponsored. It may be their partner or a parent or guardian of their partner if they apply on the basis of a married relationship.
Child Category Sponsorship
On the other hand, child category applicants must be sponsored by a parent (except certain step-parents). Or relative, or that person’s cohabiting partner. Similarly, parent category applicants are usually sponsored by their child, but they may also be sponsored by their child’s partner. If the child is under 18 years of age, certain other people are able to sponsor the applicant. Other family category applicants must be sponsored by an eligible relative or their partner.
In all cases, it is sponsorship is extremely essential if one wishes to have their relatives in Australia, irrespective of the type of visa.
Australian Government’s Department of Home Affairs has made all its rules quite stringent. So that only genuine candidates can enter the country and that too in a legal manner. The Department clearly denies visa to anyone who is not eligible or is suspected in any way. This is one of the top reasons that Australia is one of the preferred destinations for people around the world.
If you are looking for an agency that can assist you with family and/or spouse sponsorship in Australia, Asia Pacific Group is the name to go with. The company has helped hundreds of clients get family and/or spouse visas since 2009.