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Procedure of Performing Hajj

Saudi Arabia says the country is being reopened to foreign tourists who have completed the Corona vaccine. However, no ban on Umrah and Hajj has been lifted. The Saudi government announced on Thursday, July 29, that it was going to reopen the country for such foreign tourists.

Who has completed both doses of the coronavirus vaccine? Due to the coronavirus, foreign tourists have been completely banned in the country for the last one and a half years. The government has announced that the country will be open to such tourists from next week, August 1. But the government has not yet announced the lifting of restrictions on performing Umrah.

The Ministry of Tourism

According to the Saudi News Agency, “The Ministry of Tourism has announced that the country is going to open its doors to foreign tourists, and the restrictions on those who have tourist visas will be lifted from August 1.”

However, there is a condition that they will be recognized for the vaccine, which is also approved by the Saudi government. The list includes Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, and their vaccines are recognized by the Saudi government.

According to the Saudi government, those who have completed the dose of the vaccine “will not be required to remain in mandatory quarantine.”But at the same time, there is a condition that Corona has been tested 72 hours ago and her report is also negative.

All such details must be registered with the Saudi Ministry of Health before leaving, which can be done online. Of the companies that Saudi Arabia has named, such vaccines are rarely available in India, so Indian tourists may face problems.

Saudi Arabia has worked hard to boost the tourism sector so that the burden of the economy can be shifted to other sectors instead of just oil production. In this regard, it started issuing tourist visas in 2019. Under this, the state had issued tourist visas to about four lakh people between September 2019 and March 2020.

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The Ihram Of Women

The ihram of women is that they should pray two rak’ats with the intention of ihram in their sewn clothes, then perform the intention of ‘Umrah or Hajj and recite the Talbiyah three times in a low voice. They must cover their heads and it is forbidden for them to cover their faces in ihram. The veil is also necessary, so it is better to put a hat on the head and cover it from above.

Which will also cover and keep the face open. Take care that the cloth of the niqab does not touch the face.Perform ghusl in janabah ghusl and offer prayers. Then make niyyat and after reciting talbiyyah enter ihram.Tie the hair of the head with a cloth so that no hair falls out and this cloth is for precaution only. Not required Running between the two green poles during Safa and Marwa Sa’i is not good for women.

When opening the ihram, it is enough to cut only a finger from the end of the hair. In case of impurity, all the members of Hajj can perform Hajj except Tawaf. If there is no state of purity in the days of Nahr ie 12/11/10, then postpone the pilgrimage till it becomes pure.

There will be no penalty for this delay. If the husband or mahram dies after reaching Jeddah or Makkah. Then divorce is pronounced, in which case the members of Hajj can perform Hajj. If they are in a state of menstruation at the time of return, then Tawaf and farewell from them are forgiven.

Women in Iddah

For a woman who is in ‘iddah of death or’ iddah of divorce, it is not permissible for her to go on Hajj before the completion of ‘iddah. But she will commit the most serious sin. Many careless women have spread the word that there is no veil on women in ihraam and during Hajj.

However, nakedness is the cause of more sins in Hajj. Also, women who wear a little veil become naked when she sees naked women of other countries. This is a very sad movie, and it makes it difficult for men to keep their eyes open And the sharing ruling is even that if the shar’i mahram is in danger of being misunderstood, then it is not permissible to go on Hajj as a mahram.

It is not the main un for women to perform Raml in Tawaf. If a woman has menstruation during Tawaf, then stop Tawaf there, And after cleansing, repeat the Tawaf. If menstruation occurs during Sa’i, she can complete Sa’i in such a situation.

He should open the ihram of Hajj and after Hajj he should make up one umrah and the first ihram without opening umrah and his Hajj will be Hajj for individuals, not Tamattu. Menstrual bleeding is a natural excuse for women. Therefore, the heart should not be tolerated by its release but should be satisfied with it. However, if a woman uses medicine to stop menstruation and the bleeding stops, then the woman will be considered pure and in this case, Tawaf is permissible. But doing so is harmful to health.

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Restrictions of Menstruation

If it is time to return immediately after Hajj and the woman has not yet performed Tawaf Ziyarat due to menstruation. Then it is necessary to stop until she becomes pure, because, without Tawaf Ziyarat, Hajj will not be valid. And if a woman performs Tawaf in this condition, then her Tawaf will be valid, but at the same time, she will have to sacrifice a cow or a camel.

It is not permissible for a woman to go on Hajj without a mahram or a husband  If she goes, her duty of Hajj will be performed, but she will become a sinner. However, at the same time, the global epidemic of Corona broke the chain and the sector was still closed. The government’s announcement is an attempt to reopen it.


Due to covid 19, Hajj and Umrah payments were also adversely affected. Umrah pilgrims visit the Saudi city of Mecca throughout the year, earning Saudi Arabia about ً 12 billion a year. Foreigners are still banned from performing Hajj and Umrah and the government has not yet decided to lift the ban on Umrah.

Saudi Arabia, meanwhile, has stepped up its vaccination campaign against cod and has so far vaccinated about 26 million people. The government has announced that from August 1, only those who have been vaccinated will be allowed to visit any government or private institution.



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