Which Shoes to Wear with Blue Denim Jeans

I’m pretty sure that we all have a favorite pair of blue jeans in our wardrobe. Which Shoes to Wear with Blue Denim Jeans Which Shoes to Wear with Blue Denim Jeans And you can rest assured that they will be your go-to’s if you know how to style them like the fashion blogger whose outfit is featured above (click here to see her blog).
But what happens when it comes time for an occasion where you need to dress up? What shoes should you wear with oversized denim jacket men? Read on because this article might just help.
There are several colors that match well with blue jeans, but the colors listed below would probably look best:
Navy Blue
Navy is not only one shade of blue that compliments denim; it goes nicely with a variety of other shades as well. If you want to keep it simple, navy shoes will look great with any light-colored denim.
Brown Shoes
A dark brown shoe goes well with medium to dark blue jeans. The contrast between the colors is complementary and provides an interesting visual.
Black Shoes
On the other hand, a black shoe can be paired with any color of denim, from light to dark. This is a safe option if you’re not sure what color shoe to wear with your jeans and don’t want them to stand out too much.
Gray Shoes
Gray is another versatile color that looks great with blue jeans; it can be either light or dark gray. This color is perfect for pairing with denim of any shade.
Beige Shoes
Beige shoes are a great option to wear with blue jeans in the spring and summer months. The light color will brighten up your outfit and add a touch of freshness.
Red Shoes
This is a bolder option, but red shoes can look amazing with blue jeans if you want to make a statement. Just be sure that the shades of red complement each other well.
So there you have it! Now you know which shoes to wear with blue denim jeans for any occasion. Experiment with different colors and combinations to see what looks best on you. And most importantly, have with it!
A quick search on Google for “which shoes to wear with white denim jacket mens” will immediately yield thousands of results. The question is one that has stumped men since the beginning of footwear, and it’s actually a pretty tough one to answer.
So why are there so many articles floating around about this? Well, like most questions in style (e.g., which color shirt should I wear with my navy suit?), most people don’t know what they’re doing when it comes to denim-on-shoe combinations. A good pair of shoes can make an average outfit great; conversely, bad shoes can completely ruin your look. Thus, learning how to match different types of jeans with the appropriate shoe is an important staple of any man’s wardrobe.
Now, we here at Put This On don’t like to hold our tongues (or our readers’ attention spans), so we’ll give this one to you straight: the best type of shoe to wear with blue jeans is a well-made brown leather dress shoe. There are lots of other options as well – suede bucks, loafers, and Chelsea’s among them – but there’s really no substitute for a finely crafted leather oxford or blucher. And that, my friends, is that; end of the article. Goodnight!
But wait… that can’t be it, can it? Surely not everyone agrees on this simple answer: after all, it’s such an open-ended question, and one’s choice could vary greatly depending on the occasion, right?
Actually, no. While there are a few minor variations (occasional brogues or monk’s traps in place of the oxfords/bluchers), just about every man out there would agree that brown shoes are the best way to go when paired with blue jeans. This isn’t conjecture – it’s backed up by science!
According to a study conducted by the University of Cincinnati, dark-colored shoes are more versatile and can be matched with a wider range of pants colors than light-colored shoes. This is due to the fact that dark colors create contrast against light-colored clothing, while light colors do not create as much of a contrast against dark clothing. click here