You might think that since you don’t see or smell the air ducts, they must be clean and ready to go. Unfortunately, that’s not true at all; air ducts can build up with lint, dryer exhaust and other debris over time, leading to major problems in your home. This list of seven no-fluff reasons you should schedule regular air duct cleaning in Michigan will help convince you to set aside an hour or two every year to get your ducts checked out.
Fire Risk
Dryer vents collect lint and things you can’t see, like airborne bacteria and mold spores. If those particles make their way into your home, they can also get into your lungs, causing allergies or infections and even respiratory problems like asthma. Fire is another risk of neglecting air duct cleaning: because lint builds up over time, it acts as a perfect fuel source for a fire if anything else ignites it. If you live in an area with an active wildland fire season or in a dry climate where wildfires are common, air duct cleaning in Michigan should be routine maintenance at least once per year; in wetter areas with milder weather patterns, bi-annual visits should suffice.
An Uncomfortable Home
It’s hard to imagine that our air ducts and dryer vents could harbor mold, bacteria, fungus, and more, but it happens often. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that 90% of homes have significant indoor pollutants, with airborne particles being two to five times higher indoors than outdoors. One report suggests that damp indoor environments are one reason why people who suffer from allergies suffer more when they’re at home. If your vents need a thorough cleaning, consider calling an expert for advice on how best to maintain their cleanliness in between professional air duct cleaning services. Dryer vent services are also an important preventative measure against fires caused by lint buildup in your pipes and should be checked out during a routine professional service. ½
Also Read this: Why You Need to Use Air Duct Cleaning Services?
Poor Indoor Air Quality
Most houses in Metro Detroit have dryer vents that run through an attic and straight outside. The problem with these systems is that many homes have attics filled with insulation. As a result, ductwork runs directly next to insulation and picks up dust. This means when you run your dryer, air is pulled through a filter filled with dirt and dust, which causes it to heat up significantly faster than normal. This can cause everything from overheating in your dryer (which will shorten its lifespan) to clogged ducts that prevent air from circulating throughout your home properly. Clogged air ducts also lead to poor indoor air quality, which has been link to asthma attacks and other respiratory illnesses in infants and young children.
Health Issues
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) cites air duct cleaning as an example of a remedial action that potentially has no immediate health benefits. The EPA doesn’t recommend air duct cleaning unless there’s a problem, and then only with proper supervision by a professional. But it’s important to note that improper or incomplete dryer vent cleaning can be dangerous. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, over-ducting (skewing air flow through gaps in vents or grilles) is one of America’s leading home fire hazards. A single spark could ignite accumulated lint and dust—and if your dryer vents directly into your attic, consider that another potential fire hazard! To avoid all these dangers, hire licensed professionals for thorough duct and vent cleaning services in Michigan
Reduce Utility Bills
Dryer ducts—the pipes that carry hot air from your dryer to your vents—often get clog up with lint. This can lead to high utility bills and an increased risk of fire. An easy way to avoid these problems is to clean out your ducts regularly. Many companies offer low-cost dryer duct cleaning in Michigan, so it’s never been easier or more affordable for you to protect your family and home from potential danger.
Save Money with Energy Efficient Systems
When choosing a new heating and cooling system, it’s important to consider efficiency. Energy efficient systems save you money, but they can also reduce your monthly energy bill. The best way for homeowners to save money with energy efficient systems is to have an air duct cleaning before installing a new HVAC system; air duct cleaning in Michigan ensures no debris in your vents blocking airflow and decreasing efficiency. Make sure that your vents are clear after you have them cleaned, so that your heating and cooling system will work efficiently, which saves you money on your monthly bill.
Avoid Vent Fires
As more and more manufacturers have begun using fabric-coated ducts, dryer vent fires have become more frequent. While these fires can take hours to grow large enough to be detected by smoke detectors, they are often caused by small, slow-burning buildups of lint—small enough that household occupants can easily toss an extinguisher on it before it burns out of control. In addition, fabric-coated ducts retain heat from washing machines, stoves and even dishwashers. The increased temperature in home vents may cause otherwise harmless lint fires to spread rapidly into a full blaze. Always contact professional air duct cleaning in Oakland for any issues with your dryer vents.
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