What’s the effect of advertising?

The known effects of advertising on consumers vary, ranging from creating awareness about the product or service, to impacting the purchasing decision. Advertising may cause consumers to change their mindset, and this can take various forms. All of these forms of advertising are designed to build positive attitudes toward the brand and convince people to purchase a brands products without necessarily being aware they are being convinced. Research has shown that advertising generally accomplishes the desired effect in terms of creating brand preferences in the minds of children.
Some advertisements–for instance, for hygienic products–may be helpful in establishing good habits in children. Under the influence of advertisements, children may develop an affinity for higher-end, brand-name clothing, shoes, and other products. As advertisers target marketing strategies toward children, parents might find themselves with an insistent child who demands they purchase a particular product for them click here. These effects of ads on consumers can lead to frustrated parents. But at the same time, parents are likely to also purchase at least some products advertised for their children. For example, for birthday presents or special treats.
Salespeople do not want to be selling products that they have not heard of before, and regardless of whether the ads affect consumers, salespeople think that they do, resulting in retailers having their products on hand for sales. The ads make your mind think about their sold products. If it is effective, will trigger specific emotions related to the advertised products.
After advertising has succeeded in breaking down our sense of self-worth, advertisements attempt to trick us into thinking only products and services make us feel better. Once they have achieved to make you feel bad about yourself. They are selling you cosmetic products to make yourself look better about yourself. What advertising usually attempts to do is to make you feel worse about yourself, to decrease your self-esteem. To convince you to buy this particular product, claiming that it will make you happier and better. Advertising manufactures false needs or concerns in peoples minds. And then offers them the product that solves a problem that does not exist.
While advertisements and marketing may be informative and helpful to you to make a conscious choice. It may affect children in specific ways, going so far as influencing their decisions, or even personalities, in certain cases. Until the age of teenagers, children will be unable to recognize advertisements as marketing messages. Meaning that they might take those messages and exaggerations as fact and demand that these products should be bought. Children are easily able to remember the content of ads that they have seen. And can start favoring one product over the other after just a single exposure to the advertisement. Some Ads website that have powerful messages, like helping seniors and saving water. May have a positive effect on children and provide a sense of responsibility.
The one important thing to remember about advertising is that ads are used to get people to buy what they do not need and do not want. If you need it you are going to buy it anyhow. That was the first rule in my college advertising class. Basically advertising is appealing to the sucker within hoping to create desire. Desire is a feeling that if not fulfilled can cause anguish.
source : https://sites.google.com/site/bestessaywritingservicereview/