There are many aspirations of your life for which you need to settle down your finances is a must thing. Purchasing a car is indeed one of them. Travelling and riding your own car gives satisfaction as such which no other thing can provide you.
Of course, your family will be happy too since you have revealed your plan to buy a new car for the first time. Still, there is one problem, and this is not having enough funding.
You have been doing a regular job and earning a good income. Indeed, you have saved it into your bank account. You want to use them to cover the price of the car.
There are two scenarios:
First, you have enough savings to cover the whole car price. It is indeed a good option, but a few financial experts are not in its favour.
Second, you do not have adequate savings, and only the booking amount is available. For this, you are taking out car loans in Ireland from a reliable lender.
Both these options seem practical, but there are different views on this.
Why is Availing Car Loans Good Choice than using Entire Savings?
Some experts are in favour of the loans while others prefer paying the whole car amount in the one go. Let us discuss both their views.
Paying the entire car amount relieves you from the burden of monthly instalments, and you drive in a much-relaxed manner. You do not have to manage a specific part of your monthly income to pay the car loan instalment.
At the same time, it is a risk too. Suppose your car is stolen, then it is considered your total loss. On the other hand, if you have borrowed a car loan and your car is stolen in between, you do not have to pay the remaining loan amount, as it stops all of a sudden.
In such a situation, you are at a minimum loss. Still, there is another scenario where you have to maintain the regularity of monthly instalments throughout the loan term. If you miss the repayment, it will impact your credit record too.
Applying for the loans can keep your savings intact that you can use for another financial purpose. There are many such views in the market, but going for a loan seems a more prevalent and safer option.
Not all individuals are able to utilise the borrowed sum in the right way. Choosing a car loan requires some preparation and should involve some precautions.
Precautions to take while opting for a car loan
In the below lines, you will have some interesting points that you can consider as the precautions to take a car loan.
1. Choose the car model according to your budget
First and foremost, you should choose a car model that suits your budget. If your budget allows only a hatchback car, then go for this rather than buying a sedan car. On a similar note, if you can only purchase a sedan car, then try to avoid looking at the SUV.
Doing this helps you borrow the manageable amount that you can repay from your monthly income. Many individuals make the mistake of opting for a costly car model because loans are available in the market.
Later, they struggle to make the loan repayments on time. Avoid this happens to you and thus choose the right car model.
2. Use the borrowed money smartly
Applying for the loans does not only mean that you apply and get the funds straightaway. There has to be seriousness and carefulness while applying for the loans.
If you need the amount just to book the car because the model is currently out of stock, you will receive it after four months. You want to book it but need urgent funding. You can opt for short-term loans to borrow money in Ireland in such a situation.
There is no need to borrow large money beyond your repayment capacity. Thus, use the borrowed money smartly.
3. Check your credit score
You are going to apply for a loan, and it means your credit score will have a huge role to play. If you are approaching a bank to have a car loan, you should have a good credit score; otherwise, your application will not be entertained.
Contact a credit reference agency to have your credit score. Solve quickly if there is an issue in it and then go for the loan. However, if you want some flexibility in the lending norms, you can choose an online lender.
The Irish lending marketplace has the dominance of online lenders because they can accept car loans on bad credit.
4. Try not to lose your regular income
You have applied for a loan because you have earned an adequate monthly income. It means lenders are satisfied with your repayment capacity.
Some unfortunate scenarios may happen when you have to leave your regular job. Reasons can be anything, but it directly impacts the loan repayments. Of course, you do not want to miss any loan instalment. What will you do then?
At first, try not to lose your regular income. If possible, sacrifice with the situation and continue the job. If not possible, try to keep earning part-time income so that continuous loan instalments flow should not get affected.
5. Prove your affordability to make car loan repayment
One thing is for sure that you will only get affordable loan deals whether you are opting for a bank or a private lender. Every lending institution is bound to offer loans according to individual affordability.
If a lender is pursuing the same, you can sit relaxed because the firm is reliable to borrow money. At the same time, it is good for you too because you get the approval on such a car loan deal where making loan repayments will not be a burden on you.
Therefore, apply for a car loan for only an affordable amount to your regular earning.
6. Arrange a guarantor to share the loan burden
Our last suggestion would be to go for a guarantor. It is one of the safest options even if you struggle to continue the full-time income.
Having a guarantor brings two advantages for you. First, you can get loans at lower interest rates because lenders have a personal guarantee of timely repayments. Second, you may get approval on a bad credit score too.
Simultaneously, you need to know that the guarantor you choose should have a positive credit history and must be a homeowner. If you have that person, then confirm him/her as your loan guarantor.
The Final Talk
There is no doubt that a car will not only be a vehicle for you. It is the satisfaction of your life; it is the joy of your life and the need of your life.
If you are taking the help of a loan to have your dream car, then it must be with some precautionary steps. We have tried to suggest some of the vital steps you can pursue as precautions while taking a car loan.
Thus, opportunities are there to have your new car. You only need to grab them with sincerity.