Why universities should consider online medium to take my exam for me

Since the outbreak, the globe has been engulfed in varying degrees of lockdown, some global, some localized. Since then, the idea of returning to simpler times has permeated our minds, especially in the education sector to take my exam for me. I was in thinking that this was only a blip on the radar and that the epidemic will be over in a matter of a few months. If not a year at most; it was in 2020. I’m not sure how much longer the disease will persist. Given the periodic ebbs and the ongoing worldwide fight to control the harm. COVID-19 is still wreaking havoc throughout the world. And a clear timeline for things to return to “normal” is still unclear.
When the epidemic hit education. By extension tests last year, universities, colleges, schools, & education centers. Hurried to find a way to keep their established exam schedules running. This setback, regrettably, lost numerous students priceless opportunities. To learn and further their studies. Many students just on verge of starting their careers faced an uncertain future. Even as the education industry struggled, particularly when it came to transferring tests online.
Because of the negative view of online examination systems in the education sector. That they are complicated, difficult to understand and deploy, and difficult to be used by students and staff. Acceptance has been uneven and slower than planned. As a result, several institutions decided to postpone evaluations permanently. Consider rescheduling them while waiting for the economy to grow. Taking into account all stakeholders’ health and safety.
Things began to improve, but the new wave of the epidemic struck numerous nations. Disrupting continuity plans and causing yet another round of examination postponements. As a result, students expressed their dissatisfaction. Having spent months studying for their exams only to be faced with an uncertain future once more. The industry’s lack of readiness to deal with unforeseeable interruptions was evident. Resulting in unnecessary uncertainty and stress.
The first movers and shakers
There are bright spots amid the doom and gloom! While for others, the situation remains the same even now in 2021. Adversity spurred creativity in others. Several top universities and educational organizations. Including CHRIST, IIMs, University, Harvard University, Cambridge Assessment, and others. They tackled the problems early in the epidemic. And relocated their tests online, rather than postponing assessment or waiting is for a situation to improve.
As a result, these organizations have reshaped their education & examination procedures to fit the “new normal.” By moving digital, these innovative educators guaranteed that students did not miss out on the academic year. Were able to enroll for future terms or get their degrees to pursue work. These foresighted organizations saw the long-term benefits of digitalization. Which many saw as a disadvantage. They did it entirely from scratch, with no prior knowledge or preparation. Their nimbleness and quick decision-making allowed them to stay unaffected. By periodic outbreaks of illness, ensuring a safe passage for themselves and their stakeholders.
Why are just legacy institutes being considered?
This change from offline to online confine to nationally and internationally organizations. Kindergarteners, middle school students, senior high school students, and parents are all attempting to make online tests work. To maintain continuity and promote resilience.
For example, Silver line Prestige School, a progressive school, switched to an online mode. To assure children’s safety while keeping continuity, which was critical. It has very little experience offering tests online. But when the epidemic hit, it seamlessly integrated digital operations.
It’s safe to argue that the epidemic accelerated educational institutions’. Use of hitherto unexplored internet technologies and methodologies. The education industry beat all obstacles by transferring examinations to the internet environment with speed.
The Education tech industry’s higher rate of innovation
Now, I’m inclined to give all of the credit for this shift to the educators who’ve been willing to let go of long-held ideas. Despite having no experience with online tests, they quickly learned the technique to take my exam for me. Put in place the required digital infrastructure, assuring continuity. However, I believe that the Education tech industry should take pride in its impressive success in the ‘online’ transformation.
Various service providers aided in shaping the way educational leaders responded to the digital assessments in the context of COVID-19. Their constant innovation elevated good items to greatness. Over the last five years, the Education tech industry has exploded. However, the epidemic has increased exceptionally.
For example, has invested significant resources to improve the efficiency of its platform and develop its AI. With an eye toward future requirements and demands. Consider how much money is being poured into the business to revolutionize the way learning takes place online!
I’m asked why critics believe such large investments in a sector to be short-lived. Why is there such a surge in a business that has yet to earn the trust of families, students, and faculty? I’ll tell you why: industry players have a disrupting vision for their consumers. Their goal is to change the educational environment in favor of digital flexibility. By simplifying and smoothing procedures that successfully satisfy user expectations. Rather than addressing numerous obstacles and hindrances. For example, by providing educators with the same academic honesty. With the conventional arrangement, they may get more comfortable with and absorb the changing situation.
I believe I have stated several times that disruptions are unavoidable. We live in an age when the unexpected can happen in a variety of ways. And the next incident or development might happen at any time — COVID-19 is a good example of this. Every crisis, in my opinion, gives a chance for creativity. When we realize it, we may always come out stronger.
The current collection of issues resulting from the spread has provided us with a chance to adopt a new approach to take my exam for me. Which eliminates existing hazards as well as those that emerge from such unplanned interruptions. What’s up with that? It’s by starting small using digital adoption and building momentum toward digitizing education and exams. Once every player in the education sector sees the numerous opportunities. They will design a system that conditions prevailing, protecting children, teachers, and others against such undesirable outcomes.